The 5 Most AMAZING Benefits of Spiritual Fasting
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge.”
Hosea 4:6
Spiritual Fasting has absolutely changed my life for the better and I want to pass on to you five of the amazing categories of benefits today.
Jesus intermittently fasted, Mary fasted, and the Jewish people before Jesus fasted. They had particular fasting days and were perfectly capable of going long periods without food. They ate sparingly, the food was basic and healthy and there was not an abundance of it.
Fasting was expected in most religious cultures in the past. The secular culture of today calls it Intermittent Fasting but paired with a meaningful spiritual purpose, we call it Catholic Fasting or Spiritual Fasting now.
Most people don’t do it today because of a lack of knowledge and they think it requires being wildly hungry and withstanding huge amounts of discomfort. This is untrue. As scripture says,
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge” – Hosea 4:6
Spiritual Fasting is amazing for you and when done correctly it requires being only mildly hungry and withstanding mild discomfort once in a while both resulting in HUGE benefits for you and those that you love. With the Delay and Pray method – we concentrate on Metabolic Flexibility using a very effective rhythm of the week called the Eat Fast Feast Cycle.
Current canon law 919 requires a one-hour fast before receiving Communion: “One who is to receive the Most Holy Eucharist is to abstain from any food or drink, with the exception only of water and medicine, for at least the period of one hour before Holy Communion.” The Eucharistic fast was changed by Pope Pius XII from a complete fast after midnight to a fast of three hours in 1957, then Pope Paul VI further reduced the requirement to one hour in 1964.
These changes were intended to encourage Catholics to receive Communion more frequently, but unfortunately, they may have caused a lack of fasting altogether and a lack of reverence. This effects the happiness of our lives! We are less happy without fasting. It’s a fact. We really don’t talk about it anymore which is a shame because it is so good for us all the way around—body, soul, community, family, everything!! It just makes us better!
Fasting and Prayer is demanding due to hunger and discomfort, but the fruits are extraordinary. Fasting:
- Defeats Satan
- Obtains physical, spiritual, and inner healings.
- Delivers souls from Purgatory, especially loved ones and priests that may be there. Fasting for these souls is a true act of charity because suffering in purgatory is more challenging than any pain on earth.
- Fasting helps us discern decisions and vocations – not just for younger people, but for anyone wanting to find out their role or mission in the world for Jesus.
- Fasting creates a special place in the soul and heart for the Holy Spirit that is more inspired and lead by the Holy Spirit than others who do not fast. I have definitely experienced this!
- It also helps you understand God’s Plan for your life! Wow – these things are amazing!
Messages from Our Lady during apparitions include prayer and fasting – She Invites us to fast on Wednesday and Friday (and if we can on bread and water) because she says that only through prayer and fasting can we:
- Stop wars (beginning with ourselves, families, etc)
- Prevent wars
- Suspend natural disasters/catastrophes: tornados, pandemics!, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, etc.
These messages are powerful so why don’t we do it?? Because fasting is more demanding than time or money because you give your body – your flesh. You must change habits of meals, prepare them, and offer to God. Not easy but so worth it!!
I hope you consider adding spiritual fasting to your life – not just for Lent or for a time, but as a lifestyle. It will make your life happier than you have ever been and you will be helping your family and friends and the whole world with your efforts. Thin in body and soul, rich in mercy, and happy in the Kingdom is all available to you if you just dip your toes into this amazing world of spiritual fasting – and what I call Delay and Pray. God bless.
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Resources Mentioned:
Uniquely Mary video – 8 Spiritual Benefits of Fasting
The Eat Fast Feast Cycle with Jay Richards
Metabolic Flexibility – Part 1
Metabolic Flexibility – Part 2
Delay and Pray Links: