Writing for Children with Sister Allison Regina Gliot
“Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.””
– Matthew 19:14
We can learn so much from children, even those who are neurodivergent and on the spectrum. If you (or your child or your grandchild) are sensitive to sound or feel anxious and overwhelmed in our noisy world, then you’ll want to tune in to today’s episode.
Sister Allison Regina Gliot, FSP is a Daughter of St. Paul, author and editor and is here to talk about her latest picture book, Eli’s Quiet Friend, published by Pauline Books & Media.
This heartwarming story follows Eli, a young boy on the autism spectrum, who finds peace in the quiet of Eucharistic Adoration—a fresh perspective in children’s literature that blends faith with the reality of living with auditory sensitivity.
The book beautifully captures the universal need to find moments of calm and connection, especially in today’s noisy, fast-paced world.
What makes Eli’s Quiet Friend particularly special is its emphasis on contemplative prayer as a way for children to experience God’s love and presence.
This is a heartwarming story about the reality of God’s love, the challenge of hearing God amid the chaos of life, and the childlike trust that belongs to our vocation as children of God.
Sister Allison is an advocate for prayerful silence and self-awareness. Her message feels particularly relevant in today’s world, especially as we explore more ways to support neurodiverse children in faith settings.
Eli’s Quiet Friend is available for purchase and would be a wonderful addition to your bookshelf, especially if you have a child who needs to be supported in this way.
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