Slaying Dragons with Dr. John Wood

Nov 28, 2024

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

– Romans 6:23

Woman with outstretched arms on a mountain peak facing snow covered mountaintops and clouds.

Have you ever found yourself learning a lot through children’s books? 

Well, I experience this often, and most recently it was through Dr. John Wood’s new imaginative children’s book series, where the SEVEN DEADLY SINS are portrayed as dragons to slay and conquer.  

Dr. John is a mobile eye doctor and author, and our conversation touches on confronting addictions and the deceptive aspects of modern life while highlighting the importance of community support and spiritual growth.

Along with offering retreats, resources and so many others things through their ministry, Extraordinary Mission, he (and his family) have written a children’s series of books just in time for the Christmas Season that portray each dragon as a particular sin within one book. The storytelling in this series is captivating!

Stories are a powerful way to teach truth and one of the best evangelization tools we have, so we want to give parents and kids great stories that share the goodness, beauty, and truth of the Catholic faith. It was a true team effort, from the storylines to the illustrations and design. They are stories created by a family for families. – John Wood (aka Sir Rolland)

The 7 full color books are beautiful and include over 100 illustrations and images drawn by his own daughter with integrated audio learning through QR codes, and stories of Sir Rolland on his journey to defeat the 7 Deadly Dragons!

  • Book 1: The Red Dragon of Pride
  • Book 2: The Orange Dragon of Envy
  • Book 3: The Yellow Dragon of Sloth
  • Book 4: The Green Dragon of Greed
  • Book 5: The Blue Dragon of Wrath
  • Book 6: The Indigo Dragon of Gluttony
  • Book 7: The Violet Dragon of Lust

For us Spiritual Fasters, the 6th book on Gluttony will be especially helpful. What you will hear in this episode is Dr. John’s own life as the young Sir Rolland on his quest to holiness!

He zooms in on the Dragon of Gluttony for us and he explains how it is the most subtle dragon — twisting something good and useful like food and drink into addiction. How do we slay this dragon? One way is through confession. Listen to what his family does with monthly confession — it’s such a great practical idea.

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Resources mentioned in this episode:

The 7 DEADLY DRAGONS Book Series

Connect with Dr. John Wood @extraordiarymission

3 Powerful Weapons Your Family Needs To Slay Dragons

The Shawn Ryan Show with Fr. Dan Reehil [YouTube]

Delay and Pray Links:

Join the waitlist for the Delay and Pray® Group Coaching Experience

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