Miracles Do Come True! with Jackie Copeland

Jan 4, 2024

“Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; that He may teach us His ways and that we may walk in His paths”

Isaiah 2:3

Miracles do come true!

✨ 26 miracles and 25 lbs down! ✨

Jackie was a Catholic who had been away from the Church for about 25 years. She was 25 pounds overweight and started looking for answers. That’s when she stumbled upon a Delay and Pray™ podcast episode and started trying her version of spiritual fasting to see if she could do it.

She was surprised by how her prayer life deepened and how her connection with God grew quickly. So she decided to join the Delay and Pray™ group coaching experience. Not only did she lose 25 pounds, but when she started the program, she was praying for 28 different miracles, and 26 have happened so far. One of the biggest miracles is something that wasn’t on the original list. Tune in to this week’s episode to hear all about it.  

Jackie spent hours studying the course material, applying it, and getting phenomenal results. She was determined to raise her sails so that God could blow His grace upon them and give her just the transformation that she needed.

This transformation is available to you, too – the miracles AND the weight loss. You are invited to join the waitlist for the next Delay and Pray™ cohort, which opens for enrollment in a few short days. 

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Join the waitlist for the January 2024 Delay and Pray™ program

The Catholic Fasting Coach




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