Jesus says “Give me everything”

Jan 28, 2025

“When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. And going into the house, they saw the Child with Mary His mother, and they fell down and worshiped Him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered Him gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.”

Matthew 2:10-11

Family around the Thanksgiving Feast dinner table with mom carving the turkey

This is the time of year for big sweaters, fluffy snowflakes, beautiful frozen lakes, and dark nights. Our family was sick over the Christmas holiday, so it feels good to be healthy again, getting back to walks in the crisp air, and then snuggling in on the couch to watch basketball and what’s left of football.

It is also a good time to rest, keep seeking Jesus in all I do, and plan to accomplish great goals in the coming year. 

My blog and podcast for this week seems a bit odd for late January as it reflects on The Three Wise Men and following the star to Jesus. But I just watched The Little Drummer Boy a few days ago (because I didn’t get a chance to view it over the holiday) and I decided to keep the story top of mind for the whole year. It inspires me so much. I hope it inspires you, too!


It is January and we have just finished packing away all the Christmas items only two weeks ago. The poinsettias and Christmas trees have been removed from the sanctuaries of the Church and it is time for another year to begin.

This year, I am going to journey through the months like the Three Wise Men following the star. I love the story of the Three Wise Men, and I aspire to be like them. Always looking up to find the path to Jesus.

This story encourages me to reflect on my journey – my physical and spiritual goals – and to consider where the Newborn King and His bright, beautiful star want to lead me this year.

I ask Him, “Where do You need me to go this year, sweet Jesus?”

He answers: “Let this be the year of spiritual and physical transformation in me. Give me everything.

Oh my, that is a tall order. But, the best order I can ask for. Because He wants more for me than I want for myself. So, I will set out on the journey to do it. First of all, I’ll give him my sugar, flour, and alcohol. These are the obstacles that come in between us. For some reason, I like to hold on to them. But, this year, they are all His out of my love for him. I offer them in the categories of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh.

  • Gold in the form of LOVE of him and others
  • Frankincense in the form of continual PRAYER

These are the things that Jesus asks of us: To love others as he loves us.

The gospel of Matthew says “when we pray, when we fast, when we give.”

Are you willing to die to your addictions so that you can fast in love of him? Just believing that this can happen is the first step. This was so hard for me at one time — but it gets easier year by year as I learn to delay and pray. I just keep following the star and letting the Newborn King transform me by inviting His very presence into my daily life.

This is totally possible for you, too. Because the star is available to you. Just look for it.

Seek Him; ask the Blessed Mother to send an angel to form a guiding star for your life so that you may always travel toward Jesus and the Holy Family like The Three Wise Men, giving up all your little addictions to him along the way.

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