Financial Freedom with Amanda Teixeira from WalletWin
“Truly I tell you,” He said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”
– Luke 21 : 3-4
I find it interesting talking about financial freedom and food freedom because they lineup together pretty closely. So what do they have in common?
As a Catholic Mindset Coach, I use a Thomistic Thought Model which teaches that your thoughts create your results. What I have found is that this is true about weight and also about money.
If you think you can’t lose the weight and find food freedom even through Spiritual Fasting – you won’t do it. If you think you’ll never find financial freedom, then you’ll never have it.
But if you can change your mindset about these things – invite Jesus into it and meld your will into His – then the sky is the limit and all of a sudden, food freedom and financial freedom are yours!
Today, I have Amanda Teixeira from WalletWin on the show to talk about money. She and her husband Jonathan founded WalletWin to provide Catholic financial freedom for the whole family.
This was an encouraging conversation you won’t want to miss.
If you are ready to invest in yourself, your human formation and make 2025 the year you finally gain food freedom – you know exactly where to start: The Delay and Pray® Group Coaching Experience! I’ll teach you all you need to know and you can stay all year until you figure it out. Lose 25 pounds in 2025, for the last time.
The doors are open for purchase and the course and coaching begins on January 13, 2025 and goes all the way through Lent. Doors close on Monday, January 13.
Note – we do not recommend the book mentioned in this episode. You can research information on dopamine, and the information you need is available in the course and through my teaching.
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Resources mentioned in this episode:
WalletWin by Jonathan and Amanda Teixeira
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