Feasting During the Christmas Octave
The eighth day is kept with greater solemnity than the “days within the octave”.
– With Christ Through The Year, Bernard Strasser, 1947, p. 39
Merry Christmas! We have made it through Advent and are now in the Christmas Octave, which extends the Christmas celebration from Christmas Day through New Year’s Day – the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God.
The eighth day is kept with greater solemnity than the “days within the octave”
– With Christ Through the Year, Bernard Strasser, 1947, p. 39.
That day is New Year’s Day. January 1st, the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.
The Christmas Octave is truly the time to rest and feast on friendship and family.
Remember feasting is not binge-eating. Eating to enough feels good and celebratory at the same time. Don’t forget to binge on Sacraments, Activities, and Connection.
Today, I share a feasting plan to help us treat our body and soul as the gift that it is.
Try redefining Feasting for yourself. Your life will change immensely.
If you have been overeating and overdrinking for a long time—it will take some effort and time to shift over to wholeness and a lifestyle of fasting and feasting. It is challenging—but doable. If it wasn’t challenging then demons would not be cast out with the effort here.
Remember “All things are Possible with God.” Matt 19:26
This is my prayer throughout the day as I Delay and Pray.
With Spiritual Fasting we can think of our food and drink as Gift. We can announce the Truth that food is good. It sustains us—gives us life. The Eucharist is the best example of this. God chose the appearance of wine and wheat to be his body and blood. We feast on his body and blood.
He is our greatest Feast.
If you need help with this, grab my book called Delay and Pray and then consider joining The Delay and Pray Group Coaching Experience to gain even more results.
It begins on January 13, 2025 and goes all the way through Lent. The link to join the waitlist is below.
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Resources mentioned in this episode:
Book: With Christ Through the Year by Bernard Strasser, 1947
Get Beth’s FREE Holiday Feasting Guide
Join the waitlist for the Delay and Pray® Group Coaching Experience