Coaching to Success in Everything

Dec 7, 2023

“The sacraments are so important that they are gifts from the church that meets you at every point in your life. The divine life of Christ is poured into our souls through the sacraments and we must run to them for healing. “

Venerable Servant of God Fulton Sheen

Woman writing down her thoughts in a journal

In this episode, we talk about the value of writing down your thoughts daily, especially during busy and challenging times. We explore the power of journaling, coaching, and spiritual fasting for a fulfilling life.

The mind drama we have is “a war that is only won on paper” – Byron Katie

Learn how to corral your mind’s drama, embrace discomfort, and achieve emotional balance through thought models and the sacraments.

Discover the transformative impact of coaching, fasting, and intercession as we navigate life’s challenges with faith and resilience. You will hear an example of a coaching session and how it helped a client through a work situation.

You can download Beth’s Holiday Fasting Guide and join the Delay and Pray™ waitlist at the links below. ​​​​​​​


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Delay and Pray Links:

Get Beth’s FREE Holiday Spiritual Fasting Guide

Join the waitlist for the January 2024 Delay and Pray™ program

The Catholic Fasting Coach




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