my thoughts
journal entries
Trading 10 Pounds of Sugar for 10 Pounds of Grace
Permanent weight loss and optimal health is possible! Trade sugar for the sweetness of Jesus in the Sacraments.
Living Holy Week
God tells us that we only need to offer him ourselves once again. He wants to heal us, especially this Holy Week.
The Hobbit: Lent Edition
During Lent, God is calling us on a very uncomfortable, holy adventure for 7 weeks.
Blessings and Wins from Last Year
My thought is often: I can do this. This is hard and I can do hard things – especially for my husband and family.
The Emotional Season of Advent
Christ is coming! He is coming! These are the thoughts that can drive our emotions to a really positive place even when the stress is high during Advent.
We Are Invited To The Feast
Thanksgiving Day is a Eucharistic Day that I begin with Mass, celebrating the Feast of True Food and True Drink. Everyone is invited.
Prayer as the Hinge of Life
The Blessed Mother is always inviting us into prayer. Prayer is the foundation of everything and changes everything, too.
Be Happy Now
One of the best ways I’ve found to be happy is to be empty and hungry for God—right now. This state of being brings me closer to him.
The Sword of Spiritual Fasting
The Church has always called us to Spiritual Fasting. It is a body and soul weapon that can win souls on the current battlefield of life that is happening right now.